Thursday, February 5, 2009

READERS VENT: About Eminent Domain

About our recent stories on the possible use of eminent domain to condemn privately owned land for a new downtown history museum, readers had this to say:

Just another indication of the steady government trip toward socialism. -- John Merrill, Columbia

This is disgusting but not at all surprising. Nobody values the constitution or the fifth amendment any longer. When are people going to wake up on a national level, as well as on a municipal level? You point out that the hearing is slated in a way as so to manipulate the outcome, and that certainly seems to be in keeping with other things I think we've seen from the municipal government in the past. Back room deals that cannot but wither and die when exposed to the light of day are deals that should not be considered by an honest government working on the behalf of the people.
-- Christian Cepel, Columbia

Such utter ignorance and lack of caring! Planning to take the property and livelihoods away from people of this community without ANY preplanning NOR even a pretense of concern. Where have we gotten to? It makes me very ashamed. -- J. Gibson, Columbia

I in no way want to demean the need for a new State Historical Society of Missouri (SHSM) facility. I just don't think taking unblighted private property for "public use" is justified in this case. If my memory serves me right, the surface parking lot west of the Cherry Street Garage was once being considered for use by the SHSM. Given the proximity of the parking garage, not to mention the best brew pub in Missouri, this lot seems like a perfect location for the SHSM.
-- Karl Kruse, Columbia

People are definitely energized about this issue. A reporter not connected to the coverage said she's getting tons of emails about this. I wonder if the city knew how much they were biting off with this. -- Scott Rowson, Columbia

The City wants to use Eminent Domain to purchase property that is a sales tax revenue and property tax revenue source. They are shooting themselves in the foot. They could find land for the Historical Society -- which is not even a government entity -- without taking property. I wonder if there is not support for some type of clarification of land use policies with regard to Eminent Domain? -- Mike Clark, Columbia

The gall of the Historical Society treasurer's comments on Eminent Domain! What qualifies him to judge what the owners of a 'beer joint' need or should have? When people fear their government, you have tyranny. When the government fears its people, you have liberty. This guy is an example of how the former situation develops.
-- A citizen that fears a city government's 'bullet proof' commando tactics to implement its own wishes, flying in the face of opposition from its constituents.

I don't know where you are getting your information about urban renewal taking good black property and then renting it back to the black community. I am old enough to know that what happened.was that the area taken was mostly a shanty town owned by white landlords without any water or sewer. The landlords charged black tenants exorbitant prices for these shanties. The land clearance provided new housing for the black community to replace the shanties which were taken. I am a former mayor of columbia and lived in columbia all my life and practiced law here so it do know a little about what was going on. I enjoy your newsletter but get concerned when you don't have your facts right. -- Robert C. Smith, Columbia

About other stories, corrections, etc., readers write:

The lack of support for the Humane Society is nothing short of a disgrace. Boone County with a 17+ million dollar reserve just sitting there and His Majesty Schauwecker with his own 1.4 million reserve fund (for what?), all sitting on their thumbs while hundreds of good people and thousands of animals are left unfunded. And ol' Elkin having a win-win deal up his sleeve is very worrisome, too. You can bet that he has a big project for the land "developers" (destroyers) on tap. Wonder when "our county assessor" will busy himself re-appraising OUR property values downward to reflect their current market value?
-- The G's, Boone County

I’d respectfully request a clarification on your item regarding [city council candidate] Allan Sharrock. While he does leave comments at our site, he is not a blogger in the sense that we do not employ him or necessarily endorse his views. He’d more accurately be called a “contributing reader” or something along those lines. Anyone who wishes to register and join the conversation like Mr. Sharrock has is welcome to do so at
-- Jake Sherlock Clinical instructor, news editor and opinion page editor, Columbia Missourian

That school board expose [School Board Candidates May Have Legal Troubles] was something. Are there any clean people left out there?
-- M. Hultsch, Columbia

Thank you for all you do for the citizens of Columbia.
-- Kurt and Patrice Albert, Columbia

[School board candidate] Sam Phillips looks truly exceptional. Thanx for informing us.
-- Paul Wallace, Columbia

It seems to me the group seeking to raise money for Paquin Towers is letting City Hall duck responsibility. Would it not be time and effort better spent insisting the city council fund Paquin Towers from the Parks and Rec budget? Are not the folks living at Paquin as important as basketball and baseball players? Paquin is requesting about (1-2%) of the parks budget. Instead of asking the taxpayers to pay again out of their generosity and their own pockets, how about using the money they have already paid? -- Allan Rodgers, Columbia

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